First Flush Darjeeling Tea: The Champagne of Teas


First Flush Darjeeling tea, often referred to as the “Champagne of Teas,” is celebrated worldwide for its exquisite flavour, vibrant aroma, and delicate character. Harvested in the early spring, this tea represents the first plucking after the winter dormancy, capturing the essence of the pristine Himalayan environment in every sip.

Character and Flavour Profile :

First Flush Darjeeling tea is distinguished by its light, floral aroma and a bright, golden liquor. The flavor profile is complex and nuanced, featuring a delicate balance of astringency and sweetness with notes of green apple, citrus, and a hint of muscatel grape. This tea is highly prized for its briskness and clarity, providing a refreshing and invigorating experience.

Soil and Climatic Conditions :

The unique character of First Flush Darjeeling tea is deeply influenced by the terroir of the Darjeeling region. Nestled in the foothills of the Eastern Himalayas, Darjeeling’s tea gardens are situated at altitudes ranging from 600 to 2,000 meters. The soil here is rich in minerals, well-drained, and slightly acidic, providing an ideal foundation for the tea bushes. The climate of Darjeeling plays a crucial role in shaping the tea’s distinctive qualities. The region experiences a cool and humid environment, with significant rainfall and misty conditions. The interplay of these climatic factors, combined with the high altitude, results in a slow growth rate for the tea bushes, allowing them to develop more concentrated flavours and aromatic compounds.

Manufacturing Process:

The journey of First Flush Darjeeling tea from leaf to cup is a meticulous process that combines traditional methods with modern expertise. The plucking of the tender two leaves and a bud begins in late February or early March, marking the start of the first flush season. These young leaves are handpicked with great care to ensure the highest quality. Once harvested, the leaves undergo a withering process to reduce moisture content. This is followed by rolling, where the leaves are gently twisted to release their natural juices and enzymes. The rolled leaves are then subjected to oxidation, a critical step that determines the tea’s final flavor and color. For First Flush Darjeeling, the oxidation process is carefully controlled to maintain the tea’s light and floral characteristics. After oxidation, the leaves are dried to halt the process and lock in the flavors. The final step involves sorting and grading, ensuring that only the finest leaves make it to the market. The entire process is a testament to the dedication and skill of the tea producers, who strive to uphold the legacy of this exceptional tea.

Conclusion :

First Flush Darjeeling tea is more than just a beverage; it is a sensory experience that embodies the essence of its origin. From the fertile soils and unique climate of the Darjeeling region to the meticulous craftsmanship involved in its production, every aspect contributes to the creation of this extraordinary tea. Savouring a cup of First Flush Darjeeling is like taking a journey through the misty Himalayan foothills, a journey that promises elegance, freshness, and a taste of tradition.

1st Flush 2024 | Darjeeling Tea

1st Flush 2023 | Darjeeling Tea